Slaughter and May - Summer work experience scheme

Recruiter Slaughter and May
Posted Wed 18 Nov 2015
Location London
Contact Slaughter and May's graduate recruitment team
Practice Areas Corporate law
Experience Level Penultimate year law and penultimate year non-law students
Closing Date Thu 7 Jan 2016
SM You can view Slaughter and May's profile here. Key Dates Scheme 1: Monday 20 June - Friday 08 July 2016 (penultimate year law students and law students in the second year of a four year degree (where the third year is being spent abroad)) Scheme 2: Monday 11 July - Friday 29 July 2016 (penultimate year law students and law students in the second year of a four year degree (where the third year is being spent abroad)) Scheme 3: Tuesday 30 August - Friday 16 September 2016 (penultimate year non-law students and non-law students in the second year of a four year degree (where the third year is being spent abroad)) Deadline - 5pm, 7 January 2016 Overview During these schemes you will share an office with an associate in one of our legal groups. The associate will involve you as much as possible in their work. There will also be a trainee solicitor assigned to you. The trainee will help you to settle in and will also be available throughout your stay to answer any questions and assist with any tasks you may be given. As well as getting involved in legal work and conducting hands-on legal research, you will take part in training, workshops and interactive case studies. There will also be social activities arranged to give you opportunities to talk with partners, associates and trainees outside the office. To help cover your expenses while attending a work experience scheme, we will pay you £400 for each week.