Alumni & Friends Discussion (London): Constitutional Unsettlement

Recruiter Edinburgh Law School
Posted Thu 13 Apr 2023
Location Terrace Pavilion, House of Commons, London
Contact Edinburgh Law School
Practice Areas Constitutional unsettlement in the United Kingdom
Experience Level Alumini and friends of Edinburgh Law School
Closing Date Wed 10 May 2023

On Wednesday 10 May (7-9:30pm), Join Edinburgh Law School for an Alumni & Friends Discussion with Professor Stephen Tierney, Professor of Constitutional Theory, and Dr Elisenda Casanas Adam, Senior Lecturer in Public Law and Human Rights, to explore the issue of constitutional unsettlement in the United Kingdom. The event will be chaired by the Rt Hon Dame Eleanor Laing, DBE MP (LLB, 1982).

It has been argued that the United Kingdom is in a state of constitutional unsettlement, where questions around EU participation, devolution, independence and human rights protection, among others, are subject to continuous debate with uncertain long-term consequences.

As part of this discussion, Professor Stephen Tierney will reflect upon his work as Legal Adviser to the House of Lords Constitution Committee over the past seven years, during which he has advised upon numerous pieces of Brexit-related legislation and their impact upon devolution. Dr Elisenda Casanas Adam will discuss her work on human rights reform and provide a view from Scotland.

We welcome all alumni and friends of Edinburgh Law School, so please do pass along to any colleagues you think might be interested.

The event will be held in both London and Edinburgh, and the presentations will be followed by a drinks reception.